
FIVE question Friday

1. What is your favorite summer time activity? If I lived in an area that had concerts in the park that would be it. Alas, I do not. The one opportunity I had to indulge in this was a few summers ago in Huntsville, Al. I loved it!

2. Do you have one laundry soap you stick to, or do you buy whatever's on sale?
I'm a GAIN girl....love the smell

3. What is your favorite dinner to make in the summer?
HOT DOGS....mmmmmmmm hmmmm!

4. Do you have any talents? I sing, I play a little piano, I make cards and I LOVE WITH ALL MY HEART!

5. If you could instantly be an expert in something, what would it be? Why?
PIANO...Oh how I love that instrument and oh how it frustrates me!

1 comment:

Redonna said...

I'm going to respond to the FIVE question Friday questions in your comments again.

1. What is your favorite summer time activity?
Floating in the pool, but that is a mixed favorite because I only love it when the water is a good temp and the sky has enough clouds to pass between me & the sun on a frequent enough interval.

2. Do you have one laundry soap you stick to, or do you buy whatever's on sale?
Tide - always tide (And can I get a ROLL TIDE with that?)

3. What is your favorite dinner to make in the summer?
Anything we can put ont he grill and save on dishes to wash :D

4. Do you have any talents?
Nothing that has been cultivated. I can draw (a little), I can paint (a little), I can sew (a little) and I can do all kinds of crafty things (a little).

5. If you could instantly be an expert in something, what would it be? Why?
Financial matters - so I would have sense enough to invest wisely and make my money grow for me.